This section contains information on the current curriculum at Boondall State School.
At Boondall State School, we implement the Australian Curriculum in all learning areas including English, Mathematics, Science, HASS, Health and Physical Education, The Arts (including visual arts, drama, music, dance and media), Technology (digital and design) and LOTE (German in Years Prep-6). Our overarching goal is to provide high quality, inclusive education that is underpinned by an unrelenting belief that all students can learn. Therefore, staff plan for differentiated delivery of the curriculum to better meet the needs of students within our school. They intentionally plan tailored supports and reasonable adjustments to support students to be successful as learners.
Specialists teachers are employed to deliver lessons in performing arts (Dance, Drama and Music), Health and Physical Education and German (LOTE).
Download The Australian Curriculum: an overview for parents to learn about how the Australian Curriculum is organised, including information about the learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities.
A range of excursions and incursions are planned to provide opportunities to consolidate and extend learning. Students in Prep to Year 6 participate in swimming lessons in Term 4 each year as part of the HPE curriculum. Students in Years 5 and 6 participate in a camp each year as part of the curriculum.